Overcoming adversity & finding purpose
Dr. Lisa Gadd has always been fiercely passionate about health, however It wasn't until suffering a stroke in 2014 that she was able to appreciate the implications of what it is to lose bodily function, to deal with the emotional loss of poor health, or to understand the resilience required to rebuild the mind, body, and spirit post trauma. In this period Lisa harnessed courage and a firm commitment to reframe her belief systems to ensure she was able to come back stronger than ever, and in doing so developed a new level of empathy for the clients she was working with as a health practitioner and coach.
Today Dr. Lisa Gadd is an esteemed business leader and the founder of Living Health Group. She is an osteopath, fitness professional, and a nationally recognised coach and trainer within the health and fitness industry. In business, she takes great pride in nurturing the culture of her team and supporting her staff to execute her vision of caring and compassionate healthcare focussing on holistic health solutions that treat all aspects of well being.
Today, with a Bachelor in Applied Sciences and a Masters in Osteopathy under her wing, and more than a decade of experience Lisa passes on her skills to the next generation lecturing at Victoria University in Melbourne city, teaching Osteopathy. She is also a valued member of the Project Gen Z and Ambisie community empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs in Australia and around the world to Dare to Dream via entrepreneurial education.
As a speaker, Lisa shares her incredible story with a passion for the purpose found in overcoming adversity and rising to share her story to inspire others to be conscious about making the right choices with regard to health. She is energised and charismatic, yet down to earth and relatable.
As the world continues to ramp up in speed, our sense of self is blurred in digitisation, downloads and constant distractions. Never before has there been a more important time to be present in the body, persistent in making the right decisions and on purpose about the gift of life that is our health.