SPEAKINg about health on purpose

As a speaker, Lisa shares her incredible story with a passion for the purpose found in overcoming adversity and rising to share her story to inspire others to be conscious about making the right choices with regard to health. She is energised and charismatic, yet down to earth and relatable..


Each day we get a choice, to show up, and step up into our truest potential

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Health On Purpose is a topic empowering participants with the tools to actively identify the patterns specifically leading to poor or positive health outcomes. The choice is our hands. Through identifying, patterns of thinking and potential roadblocks to optimum health participants are able to work through key challenges and reframe their decision making in order to transition towards better health outcomes. All it takes is getting on purpose.



What you think becomes you, and it is through understanding the power of the mind that we can make the connection between physical health, emotional health, and more significantly our mental health. The one story that will influence our lives the most is the story we tell ourselves about ourselves. When it comes to healing, recovery or simply making the necessary changes to live with health we must believe that it is possible to do so.



When it comes to the health of your business, culture is the DNA that determines whether your business is performing at the optimum level, or not. A culture will reflect positive input or negative input, and we must ensure that we are strategic about what we put in to our organisational ‘body’ to ensure we get the best output. It is imperative that leaders build culture on purpose and create a brand where your people, and your clients feel a sense of safety and belonging.

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