Leading a Team Through COVID


This is now my 6th year in business, and by far the most difficult. For me the past 6 months has  been a rollercoaster- at times a high followed by at times a low.  For me it’s been about keeping my mental health in check, growing a business and leading a team. While there were definitely difficult times there have been 3 things that have enabled me to keep me, and my team moving forward. 

  • Communication. 

Uncertain times need real transparent, open and honest communication. Not just on a business performance front but more importantly checking in with each team member 1: 1 on their mental and physical health. I think everyone handles adversity differently so knowing what each team member needs is important for them and the team dynamics. 

  • Checking in with yourself. 

One of things I notice leading a team is my team picks up on my energy and emotions, as much as I still feel all the feelings I try really hard to not let my emotions run my day. I have noticed when my team picks up on my energy and then mirrors this. I find doing a self check in on how I am feeling each day and then focusing on what type of leader I want to show up as helps. 

  • Having a strong vision and core values. 

When business dropped 60% over night for us our vision and core values were the glue that kept us together. It became less about what we couldn't do and more about shifting our focus on HOW could we still serve our community, in an online capacity. Knowing who we were as a team and what we stood for, gave us the ability to still show up for our community and for each other. 

I'd love to hear if you have been in business during this interesting season, what has been one thing that has kept you and your team moving forward? 

Lisa Gadd