🥳 It’s women’s health week 🥳 

Here is a little reminder for all you incredible women to stop and check in with you and your health.

Here are 3 simple questions I love to stop and check in with myself on a daily basis: 
👉🏽 How do I feel in my mi


Health On Purpose is a philosophy that zones in on the transitions to optimum health, identifying myths about health, the roadblocks to change, and empowering audiences with the tools to create mental, emotional and physical transformations simply by choosing to be purposeful about our health.

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Dr. Lisa Gadd is an esteemed business leader and the founder of Living Health Group. She is an osteopath, fitness professional, and a nationally recognised coach and trainer within the health and fitness industry. With a Bachelor in Applied Sciences, a Masters in Osteopathy and more than a decade of experience Lisa passes on her skills to the next generation lecturing at Victoria University in Melbourne city. She is also a passionate speaker, a valued member of the Project Gen Z and Ambisie community empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs in Australia and around the world.



Lisa’s insights

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